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Slain Marine’s Mother Meets Biden Face To Face — Then This Happens

Slain Marine’s Mother Meets Biden Face To Face — Then This Happens

“America hates you!!!” said the angry mother of a United States Marine killed at the Kabul airport to President Biden. It did not take long for the president’s Big Tech friends to help out their man in the White House and shut her up.

Welcome to Biden’s ever-shrinking and narrow-minded America.

Shana Chappell, the mother of Marine Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, said via a Facebook post describing what she felt about Biden and what she said to him at the transfer ceremony. The transfer ceremony happened on Sunday at Dover Air Force Base for the eleven dead Marines, an Army staff sergeant and a Navy corpsman killed by a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport.

Chappell said a very dismissive Biden, who attempted to make the exchange with a grieving mother about him instead of her son. She explained that Biden did not much like what she said. And it seems, the White House, which is closely partnered with Facebook, didn’t like what she said neither.

Silicon Valley’s oligarchs swooped in to save their friend Biden.

Chappell’s Facebook page was deleted and it looks as though Biden supporters reported many of her Instagram posts too, getting her “warnings” from the anti-free speech morons at the Facebook-owned tech platform. The Instagram page was even shut down for some time “in error.”

The message she posted was addressed and linked to the Facebook account for Biden:

“This message is for you! I know my face is inside your brain! I looked you straight in the eyes and have words with you. After I bury my son you will be seeing me again!”

“Remember I am the one who stood 5 inches from your face and was telling you I would never hug my son again and then you attempted to interrupt me and tell me a sob story and I had to say “that this is not about you!!!” You said you wanted me to understand that you know how I feel but you don’t know how I feel and you don’t have the right to tell me you know how I should feel!”

“U then rolled your f—g eyes like you were annoyed and I told you the only reason I was speaking to you was out of respect for my son, I then continued to tell you how you took my son from me… u turned to walk away and I told you my sons blood was on your hands and you threw your hand up as you walked away as if to say “ok whatever”!!!”

She was not done saying her peace.

But she supposedly went too far for the Facebook censors.

She said that President Biden “would see her again real soon!!!” and said that Joe Biden was not the duly elected president.

Well, those are fighting words to the liberal elites. She was then silenced by Big-Tech censors due to her her grieving not meeting their standards.

Maybe the California mother will be visited by Secret Service next.

And then, who knows, maybe she will be charged with wrong-think and locked up in a cell for six months waiting for a show trial.

Author: Scott Dowdy

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