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Biden Runs Into a Wall–Black Voters Support Voter ID Laws

Biden Runs Into a Wall–Black Voters Support Voter ID Laws

Joe Biden and his Democrats have a big problem. In just a few months, many of them will be out of a job. Signs point to voters flooding the polls this November to elect Republicans in a massive red wave. Republicans could very well retake Congress, as Americans express their outrage over Democrats’ ongoing failures.

So, what is a crooked, morally bankrupt party to do? Change the laws so they can cheat, that’s what! Biden is pushing “voting rights” bills that would make stopping voter fraud impossible. These bills would give Democrats an insurmountable advantage and destroy our democracy. Yet Biden claims these changes are necessary to help minorities make their voices heard. Because, to Biden, black Americans have yet to have an influence in our elections—despite the fact that the black vote has been crucial in deciding elections for decades.

But there’s one big problem with Biden’s argument: black Americans don’t support it.

With drama and fury, President Joe Biden declared to the nation on Martin Luther King Jr. Day that state laws requiring voter ID or banning mass mailing of absentee ballots amounted to an “assault on our freedom to vote,” especially for minority Americans.

Four days earlier, a poll in Michigan told a different story: Three-quarters of the battleground state voters supported ballot ID requirements, with black voters expressing the highest support at 79%…

“A recent national survey found that four key election reforms are supported by more than 80% of voters,” pollster Scott Rasmussen recently wrote in an article highlighting the disconnect. “These include removing people who have died or moved from voter registration lists; requiring all voters to show photo ID before casting a ballot; wanting all ballots received by Election Day; and, having all voting machines made in the United States.” [Source: Just the News]

Biden and Democrats claim their radical changes are needed to help minorities vote. Yet polls found that a huge majority of black Americans reject Biden’s extreme changes to our elections. One poll revealed that black voters in Michigan supported voter ID by 79%–the highest of any group. In Rasmussen’s poll, 78% of black Americans supported voter ID.

A staggering 80% of voters want voter ID, the removal of names from voter rolls (of people who have died or moved), require all ballots to come in on Election Day, and that voting machines are made in America (pretty shocking that this one isn’t standard across the board).

How do Democrats ignore this kind of reality? These polls aren’t top secret, by the way. And they are consistent with everything we’ve seen for years. The vast majority of Americans, white, black, or otherwise, want more voting protections, not fewer. Yet Democrats are totally blind to this reality, pushing ahead with extreme changes that make our elections much less safe.

What does this tell us? Democrats aren’t interested in listening to the people, but pushing whatever advantage they can to win. On top of that, Biden thinks he knows better than 80% of Americans, including 78% of black voters. That kind of arrogance is seen all across the Democratic Party. They think they are smarter than us and are better suited to lead. So, they railroad their agenda over us, despite our objections.

I guess we better let them know just how much we reject their ideas, come November.

Author: Bo Dogan

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