A PAC that is supporting six Navy SEAL veterans who are running for the U.S. Congress this year put out a hard-hitting ad stressing the sacrifices these veterans made to guard America “from global enemies” and their determination in the midterms to stop the “one grave threat left to defeat”: Democrat House Speaker Pelosi (CA) and the Dems who control the U.S. Congress.
The ad shows six SEAL veterans running in the midterms: Brady Duke (Florida’s seventh district), Morgan Luttrell (Texas’ eighth district), Derrick Van Orden (Wisconsin’s third district), Eli Crane (Arizona’s second district), Ryan Zinke (Montana’s first district), and Ed Thelander (Maine’s first district).
The ad reveals black and white photos of these men from their time serving the U.S. in combat zones around the globe.
“Now they have one dangerous threat left,” the commercial voice over says, revealing a photo in color of Pelosi.
The ad was created by the SEAL PAC, a nationwide super PAC that financially supports veterans who are running for Congress. The PAC is led by Ryan Zinke, a retired Navy SEALs Commander, who represented Montana’s congressional district before then joining the Donald Trump White House as the Sec. of the Interior. Ryan Zinke is now going for the new House seat that Montana got from the 2020 Census.
“The midterms will help decide the direction of our nation,” Zinke said. “The stakes could not be higher. Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats’ House majority represent a grave threat to the country and the U.S. Constitution that veterans worked to defend. SEAL PAC’s mission is to elect conservative veterans to Congress. We have all taken the blood oath to defend the American Constitution. As SEAL PAC Chairman, I take our current mission very seriously and we are working to get a conservative majority into the U.S. Congress to get this country headed in the right direction yet again.”
A record 28 House Dems are retiring from Congress, greatly lowering Pelosi’s chances of keeping her party’s majority in the U.S. House. A Rasmussen survey put out Tuesday revealed that the GOP is enjoying a nine-point lead over Dems in a generic congressional ballot.
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