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Biden’s Delusional Press Conference Comes Back To Haunt Him

Biden’s Delusional Press Conference Comes Back To Haunt Him

Former White House Media Secretary Kayleigh McEnany grilled President Biden during Thursday’s broadcast on Fox News, lambasting his media conference as “the most delusional” she ever saw.

McEnany joined her co-hosts in replying to Joe Biden’s lengthy afternoon presser — the first in some weeks — that came as he has his first anniversary in office.

Co-host Harris Faulkner started the segment with a video of Biden saying that he did not “believe” polls that said Americans were not happy with his performance so far. “That is interesting, Marc, and this is not a fact-check, just an observation. While he says he does not believe them, how come he knew all the figures at one point?”

“They all report the same thing — This is not an outlier, he started his presidency with a 56% approval and 20 points on approval compared to disapproval,” Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen responded. “Today he is at around 41% and ten points underwater so that is from 20 points over water to 10 points under it in only a year. It is stunning. If this is what they mean outperforming expectation, I would hate to witness what underperforming expectations look like. It reminds me of a USA Today poll where almost half the country said that Joe Biden has done a worse job than expected, and I believe the rest of them believe, ‘No, this is pretty much what I expected. It is as bad as I predicted it would be.’”

“Our former President Donald Trump used the phrase ‘promises kept.’ And Biden yesterday was asked about keeping promises,” Faulkner stated, turning the question to McEnany.

“I thought this was the most delusional media conference I have ever seen,” McEnany said. “He said he over-performed and that the American people award him a 33% approval rating.”

McEnany then went down a list of topics on which Joe Biden had claimed success, pointing to survey numbers that suggested the American people believed otherwise: “He starts by touting the economy where the American public give them an approval number of between 36 and 40%. He said he did not make mistakes in Afghanistan, but the American people say, no, 31% approval, President Joe Biden.”

Author: Steven Sinclaire

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