Antibodies made by the COVID-19 vaccines might be more effective at fighting covid than from natural immunity, said in a new study .
The results of the study, was published in the journal of Scientific Reports, and showed that the researchers from the National Institute of Cancer “used a set of in vitro test to find the number of antibodies that are produced by natural immunity and the vaccine, and if this relates to how much of the virus is neutralized.”
Forty-one samples of serum were taken from thirty-three donors, all with a recorded history of COVID-19 infection, and compared with samples from 28 donors who had all been given 2 doses of either Moderna or Pfizer. The ones that were vaccinated had a 16.8 boost in neutralizing antibodies when they were compared to those with natural immunity, and a 30.1 increase over patients that were newly-diagnosed with COVID-19.
In an experiment, the researchers found that this rise in antibodies changed to about the same improvement in the neutralization of the virus, which could mean that people who are vaccinated have more antibodies and are more successful at neutralizing coronavirus. When confronted with a different variant, the vaccinated antibody samples were a lot more effective at neutralizing it than the natural immunity antibodies.
The small research study came with certain caveats that have said that researchers “cannot say for sure that the vaccines are more successful outside of lab conditions.”
Scientists are warning that a new SARS-CoV-2 variant might be more dangerous compared to the recent Omicron strain.
Prof. Mark Woolhouse from Edinburgh University stated that it is not known where a new variant could come from but stated that Omicron did not come from the past variant, Delta.
Omicron “came from a totally different area of the virus’s family tree. And because we do not know where in the family tree that a new variant is going to be coming from, we don’t know how pathogenic it could be. It might be less pathogenic but it also could, be more pathogenic,” he told The Guardian.