“Freedom Convoy” leader and organizer Bob Bolus said the movement’s intention is to “squeeze” D.C. like a “boa constrictor” as the protest keeps its country-wide anti-mandate protests.
“We will circle D.C., and basically, as an analogy, I will say it will be like a giant boa constrictor,” he said during his interview with a local Fox News station. “That basically chokes and swallows you. And that is what we are going to do to D.C.”
Watts said there are “many people do not want this to happen,” they want to “get to work, to get to where they must go, to be sure emergency services can get to them if needed.”
Watts asked Bolus if he realized the great risks of surrounding the U.S. Capitol. Bolus replied that a lane would be left for emergency cars, and that the U.S. “Freedom Convoy” won’t “compromise safety.” However, Bolus also stated it was “too bad” for people who wouldn’t be able to get to work.
When Bolus was asked how long would the “Freedom Convoy” stay parked, Bolus replied he had “no idea.”
Watts spoke about a follow up tweet that DMV police was “having issued” finding towing companies who wanted to tow trucks that were parked in the “Freedom Convoy.”
The Virginia Police stated in a comment that they are “watching the situation” and were now in touch with “National Capital Region state, local and federal partners.” “This is normal practice when the possibility exists for a great protest that might disrupt the efficient flow of traffic on the highways,” the comment added.
The continuing “Freedom Convoy” protests featured truckers in the U.S. and Canada uniting against the COVID-19 mandates. In Canada, police started cracking down on the protests, arresting the organizers, and trampling over protesters with horses. Ottawa police said protesters had used children as human shields.
This comes at a time when conservative Americans are asking for and dreaming of a trucker protest like the one going on in Canada. Because most of them understand that pressure must be put on D.C.