The anti-white left has always shouted the slogan “love the nation but not its actions,” which might be true for classical liberals – that is, those not wanting to “blame America first,” those who see the greatness of America even with her faults.
But it is not true for the new age left – that is, people who think of themselves as “progressives” and who are completely immersed in an AOC-style “woke” dogma where America is terrible and the only thing that should be done is to destroy it and “blend away all the white people in order to stop racism.”
Sobering new survey information put out this week about what people would do if faced with what Ukraine is facing.
In a Quinnipiac poll, people were asked the question “If you were in the same spot as Ukrainians are now, do you believe you would fight for the country?” The results revealed that most Republicans and a large majority of independents say they would fight. As for Dems? 52% said they would leave the nation.
The overall numbers told more of the story. As the age range increased, more said they would be willing to fight. Between 18-34 had 45% who reported they would fight. Between 35-49 had 57%. Between 50-64 featured 66%. When it hit 65+ it went down to 52%.
This is what many years of anti-America indoctrination inside the classroom has given us, I am sad to say. When you force into people that there is nothing about this nation worth loving, and lie to them about “racism” and make white kids hate themselves – and you do it consistently over some time, naturally these attitudes will take root and fester, especially in younger generations.