A district court judge, appointed by Trump, has blocked several of Biden’s sanctuary orders that have successfully stopped millions of illegals from being arrested and deported for the past year.
A preliminary injunction has been issued against Biden’s directives, which prohibit Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from deporting some of the country’s 11 to 22 million illegals.
The restrictions were imposed in Sept. 2021, after the Biden White House was successfully sued by Texas and Louisiana for implementing similar rules at the start of the year. Only illegal aliens that are deemed a “public safety risk” or a “national security concern” could be detained and deported by ICE agents under these instructions.
In the lawsuit, Arizona, Montana, and Ohio — the plaintiffs — argued that the directives required them to shoulder the burden of public expenses associated with shielding illegal immigrants.
“This is a big win for the rule of law and community safety,” Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said. “Since taking office, the Biden administration has weakened our immigration laws and law enforcement agencies while helping dangerous cartels. I’m pleased with this decision and the collaboration between Ohio and Montana as we work to undo this unlawful chaos.”
The appeals court’s decision was praised by the Immigration Reform Law Institute’s Dale Wilcox, who said that “there is a good reason the law says that illegals who turn out to be criminals should be deported.”
According to the most recent data from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Biden’s orders helped dismantle interior immigration enforcement in FY 2022. Arrests of illegal aliens decreased by nearly 50% in comparison to 2019, while deportations have plummeted by over 80%.
According to recently-unreleased ICE data, the Biden White House arrested 48 percent less convicted criminal illegals, did 63 percent fewer deportations of convicted illegals, and made 46% less requests for ICE agents to arrest criminal illegals in FY 2021.
This is yet more proof that Joe Biden’s extreme left policies will not work in America. The American people understand that the open border agenda is nothing but a con to change the demographic makeup of America to suit the globalist agenda.
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