Over the last few months, the Biden administration has blamed Vladimir Putin for high gas prices at your local station. That would make sense, if gas prices hadn’t been rising steeply over the last year. The truth is, Joe Biden triggered the gas hike after he pushed radical “green” policies that crippled U.S. energy production.
Biden has refused to reverse those policies, even as Americans suffer at the pump. His administration’s best advice is for you to buy an electric car. Yup, they said that. People who can’t even afford $5/gallon should mortgage their homes to buy a Tesla. Biden previously promised to “work like the devil” to lower prices. He just announced a move he claimed would. But it is, yet another lie.
President Biden is expected to announce on Tuesday a new move to make cheaper gas available to Americans.
Under the move, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will allow gasoline with a 15% ethanol blend — called E15 — to be sold in the U.S. Most gas now is E10…
“At current prices, E15 can save a family 10 cents per gallon of gas on average, and many stores sell E15 at an even greater discount. For working families—families eager to travel and visit their loved ones—that will add up to real savings.” [Source: Daily Wire]
If only that were true. All Biden is doing is pushing the EPA to allow more ethanol in your gasoline. Ethanol is added to gas to “water” it down. You pay less, but get less gas in your tank. Not only is ethanol not good for your engine, but your car also can’t run on it. The ethanol burns off quickly, leaving you with less gas in your tank. That will force you to go to the gas station sooner.
Meaning, as you probably guessed, you’ll end up paying more for gas in the long run. Not that Joe is all that concerned with the long run. His administration is only concerned with short-term actions that make it look like he’s doing something. But, in the end, the problem is worse off than it was before.
But that’s okay! Because Biden and his goons are also looking to make canola oil more viable!
In its statement, the White House also announced a plan to expand the use of canola oil as a fuel. [Source: Daily Wire]
Really? Are we living in a Simpson’s episode? We are sitting on untold levels of natural energy in the form of oil and gas. Yet the Einsteins in D.C. want us to use canola oil to fuel our cars. They are so unwilling to unleash America’s energy dominance, that they want you to sit around as scientist figures out how to convert greasy French fry oil into something that will work in your car.
All because Biden cares more about making other countries happy. His policies are directly benefitting China, Saudi Arabia, and other oil-rich lands. Every time gas prices go up, those countries get richer. Meanwhile, American workers are given the shaft. If Biden had his way, we wouldn’t have any oil at our disposal.
Author: Kit Fargo
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