Over the last ten years, Big Pharma has paid out large sums of money to Dr. Francis Collins, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and other high-ranking officials with the National Institutes of Health, raising significant ethical concerns among members of Congress.
During a recent legal hearing with NIH director Dr. Lawrence Tabak, Rep. John Moolenaar (R-MI) brought up the issue, saying that firms offering tens of millions in bribes were also receiving government funding from agencies employing the individuals they were bribing, resulting in a significant conflict of interest.
“To me, the pinnacle of an apparent conflict of interest is the notion that individuals may derive a financial benefit from their research and the grants given to them,” Moolenaar said.
“Of course I can see why it might appear to be a conflict of interest,” Tabak replied. “However, because this sort of kickback arrangement is technically lawful, it is perfectly permissible.”
Open the Books, a transparency organization that filed an FOIA request in September 2021, discovered this corruption.
“In Sept. 2021, OpenTheBooks.com filed FOIA requests with NIH for a comprehensive list/database of all personal royalties paid to present and former National Institutes of Health employees for work done while they were federal employees,” the organization said.
“In October 2021, we partnered with Judicial Watch to sue for these records after NIH failed to respond. We were successful in obtaining the documents, although with restrictions.”
“The records we have thus far received have been heavily censored, revealing only the most (but not all) of the researchers getting payments, how many payments they received, and how much money each NIH institute has earned in royalties,” according to Open the Book.
Dr. Fauci has received 23 payments of an unknown amount. The NIAID has received $9.3 million, with many of Dr. Fauci’s colleagues in the bureaucracy receiving payments as well. This is how they were rewarded for forcing draconian rules on Americans. This goes to show that the bad guys will always win until Americans get out onto the streets and demand justice.