According to a startling new report from the (DHS), far-left radical abortion advocates are preparing to storm the Supreme Court building and, if given the opportunity, burn it down as soon as the court rules in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade.
The disturbing news is that the report states that activists will attempt to assassinate federal judges and their law clerks. In addition to attacking churches and other places of worship.
According to the DHS directive obtained by Axios:
“Threats on Social-media to burn down or storm the Supreme Court building and kill justices and their clerks, as well as attacks on churches, are being investigated by law enforcement agencies.”
Pro-choice extremists have used violence, vandalism, and other “nonviolent methods of protest” to try and pressure judges into changing their minds.
Because no one in the mainstream media or at the White House has condemned these activist organizations for picketing and demonstrating outside of Supreme Court Justices’ homes, this new acute danger to their safety should be interpreted as a necessary conclusion for enraged leftists who haven’t been able to force any opinions through their intimidation tactics thus far.
They’ve now taken things a step further.
The media’s attempts to influence his thinking have also been mocked by Justice Thomas, who quipped, “when I do it as badly as you, I will leave my job.”
All of this unchecked fury on the left is a dangerous and unstable trend that must be stopped. Pregnancy centers have been forced to shut their doors, pro-life organizations have been firebombed, and churches have been vandalized and disrupted in recent weeks as part of several other extreme measures taken across the country.
As reported by Life News:
“Several Christian churches have been desecrated with pro-abortion graffiti since the Supreme Court leak, including a Catholic church in Boulder, Colorado, another in Fort Collins, Colorado, and a third in Houston, Texas.”
“A Tabernacle from Saint Bartholomew Catholic Church in Katy, Texas was stolen as well.” The article added.
Radical abortion advocates have been stalking, threatening, and harassing Supreme Court Justices, according to an article by Axios.
“This is absolutely unjustified, yet the Left-leaning media organizations have given it minimal attention because it does not fit their narrative,” Lea Rose, founder of Live Action, shared on Twitter.
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