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Pelosi Starts One War She Is Guaranteed To Lose

Pelosi Starts One War She Is Guaranteed To Lose

Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, was reportedly given communion during a recent Sunday mass in Georgetown, after having previously been refused by her own archbishop in San Francisco.

According to Politico Playbook, Nancy Pelosi attended the 9:00 a.m. mass at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown and took Holy Communion. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone banned Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion during a Friday service in San Francisco due to her “grave evil” of supporting abortion legalization.

The Washington, D.C., and San Francisco dioceses are directed by two separate bishops, allowing the House Speaker to attend services in cities outside of San Francisco while others have banned her from performing the ceremony.

Despite his pro-abortion views, the Georgetown church’s pastor, Father Kevin Gillespie, announced in 2021 that he would give President Joe Biden Holy Communion at the altar. In 2019, Father Robert E. Morey of the Diocese of South Carolina refused to let Biden take Holy Communion for his position on abortion.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington had a communications blunder when it accidentally informed the Washington Examiner that they would refuse any press inquiries on if Archbishop Wilton Cardinal Gregory would “lay down the hammer” against the speaker. Gregory previously stated that the president is welcome to come to Mass in his archdiocese, according to The Atlantic.

“Just letting you know what comes in,” the email read. “Email since Saturday has been a few random individuals asking the Cardinal to bring down the hammer on Pelosi. Aside from Jack Jenkins at RNS, this is the only new media inquiry I’ve received so far. It will be ignored as well.”

According to the Vatican’s code on Canon Law, any person who is “conscious of a grave sin” is not allowed to receive communion or recite Mass “without having a previous sacramental confession,” according to Catholic doctrine.

According to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Church believes that “human life begins at conception” and that abortion is a “moral evil” and “a great sin.”

In 2021, Pelosi spoke with Cordileone about not receiving Holy Communion as a pro-abortion Catholic.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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