Many, including more than two dozen members of Congress and political consultants, are openly discussing how terrible they believe Joe Biden is.
They believe Biden is not doing enough to represent their anger and worries over issues; they want firmness and action. But this isn’t the case.
“Many Democrats felt Biden’s response was unenthusiastic. And there is a sense that the piecemeal [gun safety] bill already provides cover to Republicans, following the shooting. They were concerned that it would be another missed opportunity to define the stakes in November. Some Democrats were afraid that Biden has remained trapped in a bygone era of political decorum and blind loyalty to institutions, and he has been sluggish to recognize both the existential danger felt by some of his supporters.”
“He is missing the boat,” says CAMILLE RIVERA, a Democratic strategist at New Deal Strategies. “This is our opportunity to get involved and be furious because these half measures are just not working. He has an actual excitability issue.”
“You can’t just have one press conference or give one speech,” says SARA LONGWELL, a Republican strategist opposed to President Trump. “It’s all about constant interaction. [Democrats] feel a sense of urgency. They’re asking for more information and demanding a response from us as soon as possible.”
“The fight is for independents and Democrats to stand up and fight back,” Rivera said. “And he is not doing so. He must adapt to the moment.”
Biden’s reputation is hilarious owing to his general propensity for anger and continual blaming of others, notably Republicans. They’re making the incorrect diagnosis of the issues. One of the problems is that he never accepts responsibility for anything. That is one of the things that angers Americans. However, simply failing across the board on every issue, particularly with regard to the economy, is difficult to overcome. Biden’s lifeless, half-dead appearance has gone largely unnoticed by Democratic politicians until now? They were aware of it when they proposed him. It’s their fault. They bought the sinking ship and are furious that they’re being ruined by him, with people blaming them for the poor product they were sold. There’s only so much you can say to make failure sound like a success before people realize it’s a total failure.