Democrats claim their massive new spending and tax bill will only force big companies to pay their “fair share” in taxes. Independent reviews of the bill prove that claim to be a bald-faced lie. Democrats removed a measure that closed a tax loophole for billionaires. Most people, including the working poor, will be forced to pay more taxes.
And then, there is this little matter of massive new funding for the IRS. Democrats want to add 87,000 more bloodsuckers—I mean, workers—to the agency that robs Americans blind. Eighty-thousand more? Really? We’re supposed to believe the IRS needs 87,000 new workers just to tax the rich? Is anyone buying that? And now, Sen. Ted Cruz is exposing the left’s ridiculous plan.
“There are a lot of bad things in this bill, but few are worse than the proposal by Democrats in this bill to double the size of the IRS and create 87,000 new IRS agents,” Cruz said during his Senate floor speech.
“…And they’re not being created to audit billionaires or giant corporations. They’re being created to audit you,” he added…
“The House Ways and Means Committee, the minority has put out an estimate that under this bill there will be 1.2 million new audits per year with over 700,000 of those new audits falling on taxpayers making $75,000 or less,” the senator revealed…
“Democrats want to make the IRS larger than the Pentagon, the State Department, the FBI, and the Border Patrol combined,” Cruz wrote. “That’s a terrible idea. We should abolish the IRS!” [Source: Daily Wire]
Democrats aren’t trying to double the size of the IRS because they need those workers to audit corporations for rich Americans. They need that many more workers, so they can hunt down and punish every last working American.
Americans are already overtaxed. The tax system in America is criminally complicated, a burden on families just trying to make ends meet. If you make a mistake, you can heavy penalties and fines. And now, Democrats want to make sure the IRS has the manpower to punish every last American who is just trying to survive.
Just think of it. At a time when Americans have already received a pay cut thanks to Biden’s inflation, they will now be forced to pay more taxes, after this bill is passed.
With 87,000 more IRS workers, the agency will have plenty of extra workers to penalize you for every uncrossed T or undotted I. They will make sure you get the lowest deductions possible, forcing you to pay much more in taxes than you are right now.
Meaning, the average America will see their wealth decrease much faster, than if it was only inflation hurting us.
This was Biden’s plan all along. When he said, “build back better,” he didn’t mean us, but the corrupt ruling elite of which he is a member. He is “redistributing wealth” alright, but from us working stiffs into the hands of greedy, useless politicians.
Americans will watch their savings, retirement, and prosperity whither and die, as Russia, China, Iran and the rest of Biden’s buddies get filthy, stinking, rich.
Author: Kit Fargo
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