Democrats are very worried about the midterm elections. That is why they’ve spent so much time this year (and even this week) attacking Donald Trump—a man not even running for office. Liberals are trying to distract from Joe Biden and his failures as much as possible, hoping that Americans get angry at Trump—so much so, that we’d vote for a party that is tanking our economy.
But evidence suggests their tactic isn’t working. Nobody is blaming Trump for runaway inflation, record high gas prices, and numerous crises. And it seems even liberal voters are getting sick and tired of Biden’s collapse. A new poll asked what people thought about Joe’s performance as “president.” And Democrats gave old Joe some bad news.
Images of President Joe Biden reaching to shake hands when nobody is there and constant videos showing him mumbling are weighing on the public, raising concerns about his mental health, especially among Democrats that have to decide on voting to reelect him in 2024…
“Among Democrats, for instance, just 39% of Democrats say they are worried about Biden’s mental condition, versus 82% of Republicans and 56% of independents. But that 39% of Democrats, while not a majority, is still significantly high,” said the Issues & Insights/TIPP analysis.
Overall, 59% in the poll of 1,335 adults said that they are concerned about Biden. Of that, 36% said they are “very concerned,” said the analysis. [Source: Washington Examiner]
Just let those numbers sink in for a moment. Thirty-nine percent of Democrat voters are worried about Biden’s mental health. Does that not sound like a lot to you?
Keep in mind, that normally, 0% of voters are worried about a president’s mental health. There should be no concerns that the Commander in Chief is suffering from some kind of cognitive breakdown.
But not only does 39% of his own party’s voters worry that Joe’s losing it, but 59% of all voters are concerned about Joe Biden’s mental health. And a shocking 36% of them are “very concerned.”
Democrats should be the ones rallying behind their guy. But almost 40% of them are willing to admit that Joe Biden must be suffering from dementia or something similar. The other 60% are just lying to themselves.
You don’t have to look far to see disturbing evidence of Biden’s frailty. Even this week, a clip came out showing Biden trying to shake Chuck Schumer’s hand, immediately after he had just shook it. That follows endless clips of him mumbling, slurring his words, shuffling around like a nursing home patient, and looking confused and disoriented.
Only people being willfully dishonest can deny there is a problem. Why else does Biden’s own staff keep him out of the spotlight most of the time? Or have to come out and “clarify” what Biden said—because he contradicted himself or his policies?
If nearly 40% of his own party are convinced he is losing his mind, the Democrats are doomed. The best thing they can do now is admit he is gone, urge him to step down, and work to salvage what’s left of this administration.
But they won’t do that, because it will hurt them politically. So, Democrats are leaving a sick man in office—all so they can win some elections.
How evil do you have to be to do that?
Author: Max Davis