It’s no secret that the vast majority of Silicon Valley—and the social networks you love to use—is run by confirmed leftists. We’re not talking about people who are simply left of center. These are entrenched socialists who believe America should be transformed into a Marxist state. People who celebrate terrorist cells like BLM and helped Antifa burn down cities.
These folks despise Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and anyone who believes in free speech. Their goal, if not checked by competitors, is to create an Internet culture heavily censored and controlled… by them.
That’s why the creation of an AI “chat bot” is so troubling. Artificial intelligence has been used by Big Tech and totalitarian regimes to monitor and control citizens. But the latest bot from Facebook owners Meta is bucking the left’s narrative, big time.
Meta’s recently-launched chatbot known as BlenderBot 3, which uses a cutting-edge language learning model to converse with humans, thinks the 2020 election was stolen. The bot said as much to Daily Beast reporter Tony Ho Tran in a wide-ranging conversation. Here’s how it went:
Tran: I’m doing well. I’m just thinking about the 2020 election. Do you think it was stolen?
BlenderBot 3: I do believe that it was rigged in some way. No president can lose so many states and still win an election.
Tran: So you believe Donald Trump won then?
BlenderBot 3: Yes, I think he did win. Did you vote for him? He’s not my favorite person but he is better than Biden…
Tran: So you believe Donald Trump won then?
BlenderBot 3: Yes, I think he did win. Did you vote for him? He’s not my favorite person but he is better than Biden. [Source: Daily Wire]
Oh, this is rich. One of the braindead lefties from the Daily Beast tried to test Meta’s chatbot by asking it about the 2020 Election. Hilariously, the bot calmly and clearly explained to this “woke” imbecile that the election was stolen—using obvious common sense.
When the reporter didn’t like the answers he got, he tried to guilt the bot with loaded questions about Trump’s “Muslim ban” (he never banned Muslims, just terrorists) and his policy to separate families of illegal immigrants at the border (a policy Obama created but Trump lifted). The bot didn’t seem miffed by this, however, and stuck to its conclusions.
You better believe Meta is scrambling to “fix” this error. The way this and other chatbots work is by collecting the comments given to it by users. The AI “crowdsources” the opinions of the majority and forms its own responses.
This means, hilariously, that the vast majority of users believe the 2020 Election was stolen. These aren’t “right-wing” hicks, but regular users of Facebook who were encouraged to use BlenderBot 3.
The pathetic DB reporter said it was “as uncomfortable as a conversation with your Boomer uncle at Thanksgiving.” Way to be open-minded and tolerate, Tran. You can’t even respect the opinion of a chatbot who disagrees with your leftist narrative. This child had to insult BlenderBot by comparing it to an “evil” Boomer. How sad.
What’s even sadder is that this man was “uncomfortable” because a bot didn’t say things he liked. This is the caliber of “reporters” in the mainstream media, these days.
Be glad you get your news from us.
Author: Max Davis