After years of abusing it, Democrats hate our court system. For decades, progressive activists used our federal courts to force their agenda down America’s throat. But with a Trump-secured conservative majority, the Supreme Court is no longer the left’s punching bag.
Democrats now attack the highest court in the land. But they reserve their strongest venom for the man who drafted the major ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. Democrats love killing babies so much, they have gone to war with Supreme Court Justice Alito.
Recently, he made an innocent comment during hearings. That triggered the left so much, they are back to demanding his impeachment. Wow.
Liberals lambasted Alito and called for him to be impeached for employing “outlandish hypotheticals” involving black children dressed in Ku Klux Klan robes. Vanity Fair dubbed the justice “the biggest sleazebag on the Supreme Court,” and at least one Twitter user called for the impeachment of Alito and, inexplicably, Justice Clarence Thomas…
Justice Elena Kagan said that a black Santa Claus should not by law have to entertain a child dressed in a Klan outfit, “whether the child was black or white or any other characteristic.” In response, Alito quipped that “you do see a lot of black children in Ku Klux Klan outfits, right?” drawing laughs inside the courtroom. [Source: The Washington Free Beacon]
Lol, this is pathetic. Liberal Justice Kagan used a hypothetical scenario, mentioning a black Santa Clause entertaining a child dressed in a Klan outfit. She even said, “whether the child was black or white.” Alito commented with a joke, “you do see a lot of black children in” those outfits.
Liberal imbeciles online were apparently triggered by this comment. They probably took the comment out of context in the first place. Spewing their unreasonable hate online, they demanded Alito be impeached for making this simple comment.
Of course, this has nothing to do with his quip. It has everything to do with the fact that the court has a conservative majority. Democrats can no longer abuse the SCOTUS to force their far-left plans onto Americans.
And these Democrats are really ticked off that Alito and the other conservative justices voted to overturn federal support of abortion. That’s the real heart of their hatred. Alito upheld the Constitution and ended a practice that has seen over 40 million unborn Americans killed since the 70s.
And the left can’t stand it. So, they are flipping out over a harmless comment or joke he makes. But all that rage means nothing.
They are just going to have to get used to seeing people they don’t agree with lead America. Oh, what was that called again? That’s right, being an adult!
Author: Max Davis