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After GOP Governors Lead They Way–Democrats and Republicans Join Forces in Major Move Against China

After GOP Governors Lead They Way–Democrats and Republicans Join Forces in Major Move Against China

Perhaps the biggest threat to the United States is one Democrats are happily ignoring. Joe Biden’s weakness toward China could mean the swift destruction of not only our economy but entire way of life. Communist China has its greasy fingers in our mainstream media, universities, Silicon Valley, laboratories, Wall Street, Hollywood, and–of course–D.C.

Their biggest move to infiltrate the U.S., however, was in the form of a popular social app, TikTok. This nefarious app lures users in with the promise of funny content. But the app has been stealing the private information of American citizens, dumping it into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.

Biden refuses to do anything about it. But numerous Republican governors have taken unprecedented steps to ban the app on state government devices. Those states include Texas, Utah, South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Maryland. And now that this movement is rising, finally Congress is taking action.

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced legislation in both the House and the Senate to ban TikTok “by blocking and prohibiting all transactions from any social media company in, or under the influence of, China, Russia, and several other foreign countries of concern,” the lawmakers said in a news release…

In June, BuzzFeed News reported that China-based employees of ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, had accessed nonpublic data about U.S. users. TikTok denied turning over any U.S. data to Chinese officials and said it never would, though it acknowledged that Chinese employees have some access to it. [Source: PJ Media]

Now that Republican governors are taking steps to prevent the CCP from spying on their states, Congress is putting together a bill to ban TikTok altogether. The bill has support from both Democrats and Republicans. If signed into law, it will not only ban apps like TikTok, but any social media company under the influence of China, Russia, and other “foreign countries of concern.”

The bill would put sanctions on TikTok and other social media companies that fall under that description. That would effectively remove TikTok from app stores and disconnect the service from operating in the United States.

But Congress has to move fast. Millions of Americans use TikTok every day. Unimaginable amounts of private data–from face recognition to citizens’ movements–are being sent to communist China. The sooner this app is removed from the United States the better.

Sadly, it is unlikely this bill will pass this year. It will have to be reintroduced in the new Congress next year. But if it manages to pass through Congress, will Joe Biden bother to sign it into law? Or will China Joe veto this move, to reward his real bosses–Chinese communists?

Author: Bo Dogan

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