Anybody who is paying attention knows that Joe Biden is a failed president. But the liberal media continues to help Democrats by hiding Biden’s biggest mistakes from the public. Biden is responsible for numerous crises that have hammered our country. His poor decisions have wrecked the economy, our national security, and even global stability.
Yet time and again, the White House has tried to go to great lengths to hide Biden’s failures. They even tried to redefine the words “inflation” and “recession” to avoid getting blamed for them. And the media went along with their con. Now, as the border crisis becomes too great to ignore, the administration is scrambling to invent a new term to hide this massive problem.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre repeatedly referred to illegal migration as “irregular migration” during a press conference on Tuesday…
“Irregular migration is certainly one of the key issues facing our hemisphere and it will certainly be one of the important topics of discussion at the NALS,” she replied, stumbling a little as she said “irregular migration.”
She used the same phrase as she further explained how the President is looking forward to discussions with Mexico and Canada, to “continue coordinating a regional response, which you’ve seen over the past several months, to irregular migration in the region.” [Source: The Post Millennial]
Lol, okay, Jean-Pierre. Just when we thought you couldn’t get dumber, you go and pull this stunt. Biden’s White House can’t say “illegal immigration” because that sounds really bad. Biden’s been responsible for millions of illegals entering the country. He has deliberately let in these invaders by refusing to enforce our immigration laws or deporting them.
But he can no longer deny this is a massive crisis. Even blue cities and states are bussing illegals out of their regions to New York and D.C. Democrats are getting overwhelmed by the number of illegal aliens coming into the country. It’s no longer just a problem for conservatives.
The White House’s “brilliant” solution is to rebrand the issue by calling it “irregular migration.” Um… is that supposed to sound better than illegal immigration. Just say the term we all know is applicable. These people are coming into the country illegally. We all know it. This isn’t “irregular” this is illegal.
It is the responsibility of the president to enforce our border and deport these aliens. Biden has refused because Democrats wanted to exploit these aliens for votes in future elections. But the crisis to getting too big and too out of control. Even California Gov. Gavin Newsom is complaining about the number of illegals entering the state.
The administration thinks by calling this issue “irregular migration,” they are softening the blow. But the truth is, even calling it “irregular” is admitting it is a problem. It isn’t normal or safe to let millions of strangers into the country.
But despite changing the term, Biden is still intent on doing nothing.
Author: Jim Stone