For years, liberals have slammed Americans who hold to the “replacement theory.” Democrats claimed you were a racist conspiracy theorist if you believed they were trying to replace native-born Americans with illegal immigrants. They called you crazy, bigoted, and paranoid.
Until, that is, Chuck Schumer admitted it on live TV. Democrats claim Americans are not reproducing fast enough to keep the population up (hmm… I wonder if that has to do with Democrats pushing abortion for the last 50 years?) and we “need” illegal aliens to fill that gap.
Sounds like replacement theory to me! Schumer and Democrats–including Joe Biden–push this lie to justify their open border, allowing millions of illegals to flood the country. Our immigration laws, be damned. To make this sick dream a reality, they want to grant these invaders full citizenship, no questions asked.
There’s just one problem. Americans are saying, “Hell no.”
A new survey has revealed that a majority of Americans believe that the Biden administration should not grant full amnesty and citizenship to immigrants undergoing an “asylum review” process or those that are in the country illegally.
The poll, conducted by The Trafalgar Group in partnership with Convention of States Action of 1079 likely general election voters, found that just 14 percent of Americans overall say that people in the country illegally should be granted citizenship and amnesty.
59.5 percent of Americans believe that “those in review should complete their reviews and either be removed or granted asylum, and those here illegally should be expelled. [Source: The Post Millennial]
So much for that plan, eh Schumer? Only 14% of those polled think illegal aliens who cross over the border should be granted amnesty. A wide majority of Americans, a whopping 59.5% want asylum seekers to undergo a review. And they want those who illegally entered the country to be deported.
Huh, it sounds like the vast majority of Americans want the government to enforce our immigration laws! This poll proves Americans aren’t heartless “racists.” We want people seeking asylum to get a fair review.
But people who break out laws, endanger our communities, and jeopardize our jobs market, should not stay here. I guarantee you, this is the view of most people in most countries around the world. It’s the view that most people have had throughout history.
Only in recent years have leftists pushed the idea that illegal aliens should be allowed to invade other countries, in massive caravans and hordes. Leftists in Europe pulled this stunt starting in 2015 when they let millions of economic refugees into their countries. And it has left some nations, like Sweden, Germany, France, and so on, in ruins.
Biden decided to take that idea and run with it. As president, he ordered DHS and Border Patrol to “stand down,” preventing these agencies from enforcing our border. Over 5 million illegal aliens have been encountered on the border since Biden took office. And that doesn’t include the people who we didn’t catch!
But Americans are not on Joe’s side. It is only a matter of time until this crisis blows up in his party’s face.
Author: Jim Stone
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