Not too long ago, the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre lied to protect her boss. She claimed that Joe Biden–a man known mostly for the idiotic things that come out of his mouth–was the “best communicator” within the White House. The administration has fallen so far, it is blatantly lying to the public, expecting us to believe the most moronic things.
Biden has never been a good communicator. His years as senator were mocked with plagiarism accusations. As Obama’s vice president, he got away with making countless gaffes and embarrassing the administration. But these days, the old man can’t control what stupid things come out of his mouth. His declining mental ability is exposing his deep-seated bigotry and biased.
This is what he just said about a fellow Democrat, a black man just elected governor.
President Biden referred to new Maryland Democratic governor Wes Moore, the first black governor of his state, as “boy.”
Biden made his remarks before an audience of IBEW union workers.
“You got a hell of a new governor in Wes Moore, I tell ya,” Biden grinned. “He’s the real deal, and the boy looked like he could still play. He got some guns on him.”
Biden routinely uses the term “boy” to refer to others, as Fox News noted, having said of Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), “And Chris Coons, who has the seat I used to hold. Only difference is that he not only has a law degree, he has a divinity degree. The boy can preach.” [Source: Daily Wire]
Oh my God. Joe Biden, who were are supposed to believe is a great communicator, just revealed his racist attitudes when he called a grown man–the first black governor of Maryland–“boy.” You might not know why this is so offensive, beyond the fact that Wes Moore is a grown man.
In the pre-Civil Rights world (in which Joe Biden grew up), white men would call black men “boy” as a way of lowering them. It was an insulting, implying that a fully grown black man does not have the same intelligence, rights, or clout of a white man. It was a subtle form a racism and you better believe no black man today would stand for it.
Yet Biden is allowed to call a black man, a fellow Democrat and newly-elected governor, “boy”? Just imagine what would happen in Trump called a black man “boy.” There would be rioting in the streets. Liberal reporters would call for Trump’s arrest.
The White House will try to brush this off as Joe just being “folksy.” But in reality, it is his old racism popping up. Biden often lets slip comments that show he still thinks black people are beneath him. He does the same with women, whom he often treats with shocking disrespect (especially female reporters).
Biden does not get a pass for this kind of racism, just because he’s a Democrat. He insulted all black people in 2020 by saying they “ain’t black” if they vote for Trump. That racism didn’t go away in the last three years. He continues to insult black Americans, even Democrats, and thinks he can get away with it
It’s about time his party actually held him accountable for it.
Author: Bo Dogan