Fish-faced Lori Lightfoot lost her re-election bid for Mayor of Chicago. The race came down to two Democrats, a radical progressive and a former rep for the police union. Guess which one the city elected?
Chicago is crumbling under a tidal wave of unchecked crime. Yes, many blue cities have been allowing crime to get out of control. But Chicago just might be the worst. The corruption and evil spewing out of the Windy City are driving thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of residents from Illinois. Tough measures must be taken for citizens to take back their city.
Instead, their new mayor vows to push even worse policies than the previous mayor.
[Mayor-Elect Brandon] Johnson suggested that the number of cops was fine as is, and that the city should invest in other first responders such as therapists, emergency medical technicians, and social workers…
Johnson went on to invoke Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown, and other black men killed by law enforcement to illustrate his point that more police doesn’t automatically mean safer streets…
Johnson said he would be putting more money into the “areas of need,” such as improving youth employment rates, and moving towards a “treatment not trauma” response to situations that warrant less force.
“First responders, social workers, counsellors, EMTs,” Johnson said. “These individuals would show up to calls that require those types of interventions.” He pointed out that in Chicago, 40 percent of all 911 calls were mental health crises. [Source: The Post Millennial]
It’s going to be pretty hard to get youth employed when they keep getting murdered by muggers and gang bangers. This mayor has learned nothing from the failures of Lightfoot. He claims he’s against defunding the police, but when the cops are already defunded, it hardly matters.
Johnson does not intend to hire more cops, which the city desperately needs. Instead, he spouted the same idiotic nonsense spread by radicals and BLM activists. Oh, the city needs more money!? How funny that a party that only knows how to waste our money thinks the solution is more money on wasteful projects.
Here’s a newsflash dummy: you can’t “create” more jobs when businesses are being terrorized by criminals. Businesses large or small tend to shut down when communities are overrun with crime. No businesses, no jobs for those youth.
And the decision to send social workers to 911 calls is suicide. Johnson claims (without evidence) that 40% of all 911 calls are “mental health crises.” What he doesn’t say is that mental health or not, these are still dangerous people intent on harming others.
Who would you rather show up on one of those calls, a cop trained to stop a killer or a social worker… with a clipboard?
The reality is, Democrats like Johnson know this won’t work. But, like a good George Soros puppet, he is trying to destroy Chicago. Just like all the other progressives in blue cities, he is trying to make crime run out of control, so Democrats can make government even bigger and even more wasteful.
It’s not about making Chicago better; it’s about making Democrats richer.
Author: Kit Fargo