Durham Drives Nail in FBI’s Coffin – Reveals Agency Colluded During 2016 Election

Special Counsel John Durham spent years investigating the deep state. He released a report that revealed just how far Democrats in the federal government went to try to stop Trump from winning the election. Even after he was elected, Democrats in federal agencies sought to undermine Trump’s presidency–leading to endless witch hunts and schemes.

This week, Durham testified before Congress on what he discovered. I’m sure Democrats were eager to try to discredit his testimony. Instead, the investigator blew the scandal wide open. We already distrusted the Feds over a mountain of accusations. But this will make you really hate them.

While appearing before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Special Counsel John Durham testified that in 2016 the CIA was given intel indicating that Hillary Clinton gave the green light to a plan to link former President Donald Trump with the Kremlin, only for the FBI to react by doing nothing.

“The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated opposition research, such as the Steele dossier,” Durham explained. “The FBI relied on the dossier and FISA applications, knowing there was likely material originating from a political campaign or political opponent.” [Source: The Post Millennial]

Durham revealed that the CIA knew the FBI was colluding with Hillary Clinton to interfere with the 2016 Election. Clinton was behind the scheme to link Trump with Russia, providing the fake dossier that claimed Donald was in bed with Putin.

But the FBI, according to Durham, knew the dossier was fake calling it “material originating from a political campaign or political opponent.” The agency would have known the dossier was not trustworthy.

Yet they still used it to spy on Trump campaign staffers and launch investigations against Trump during his presidency.

Hmm… sounds like some folks within the FBI were breaking the law, right? So… why haven’t they been prosecuted yet? Biden’s DOJ is trying to nail Trump to the wall over some documents. Yet the FBI deliberately tried to undermine an election, with information they knew was fake.

And where is Hillary Clinton in all this? Durham specifically pointed the finger as the person behind all this nonsense. Why isn’t Congress demanding she testify? Why isn’t the DOJ now holding her accountable?

Americans have long suspected there was a “two-tiered” system of justice. Democrats get special treatment, avoiding punishment, while everyone else gets prosecuted.

Durham’s testimony only further confirms that.

Author: Bo Dogan

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