Joe Biden “won” the 2020 Election by claiming he was a moderate Democrat. But from the moment he entered office, Biden has acted like a far-left progressive. He’s all but a socialist, intent on upending traditional American values and importing an illegal alien servant class to steal elections.
The biggest proof that he is a schill for the radical left is his “green” agenda. Defying all common sense and science, Biden has tried to throw billions of U.S. tax dollars at green initiatives that were doomed to fail.
Some states and many businesses gambled on Biden’s green push—convinced they’d cash in big. But green technology just can’t supply the electricity demand of the nation. And consumers don’t want electric vehicles, or simply can’t afford them. And now, Biden is facing another EV defeat.
President Joe Biden announced in April that he had a vision that 50% of all new vehicle sales in the U.S. would be electric by 2030…
Less than a year later, the president’s boasts and plans seem to be falling apart, because of industrial challenges, the economy, and market forces…
An analysis by energy expert Robert Bryce found that Ford Motor Company incurred an operating loss on its EV business in 2023 that exceeded its total profit for the year.
Last month, instead, Hertz stated in regulatory filings that it was selling 20,000 electric vehicles in its rental fleet in favor of gas-powered cars…
The Biden administration’s EV mandates received substantial pushback. In July, the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) submitted comments on the EPA’s proposed emissions standards, warning that the Biden administration’s proposal ignored consumer demand, the vehicles were too costly, and they lacked the infrastructure to support them. [Source: Just the News]
Because he is a senile puppet for the radical left, Biden mindlessly supported a major push for EVs. Last April, he predicted that 50% of all cars bought in 2030 would be electric. But it hasn’t even been a year and that prediction is crumbling.
The National Automobile Dealers Association warned the White House that EVs were not the immediate future. They lack consumer demand, they cost too much to make, and there is not enough infrastructure for them.
Ford lost billions on its EV gamble. For every electric car it sold, the company lost $64,731. Hertz car rentals is selling off its EV fleet, because nobody was renting them. Even with Biden’s meager $7,000 tax credit, Americans are not buying electric cars.
They are far too expensive for the average American, who is being hurt by rampant inflation (generated by Biden to force us to buy EVs). EVs are complicated to make and require costly equipment to maintain. And if they break down (and they always do), it costs a driver much more to get it fixed (some can’t be fixed, leaving a driver without a car).
If Biden was actually thinking for himself, he’d know this was a terrible idea. But Biden is a fool, being controlled by progressive handlers who have no idea what they are doing. Every decision made by Joe is not for the good of Americans, but for the good of a small group of corrupt, elite globalists, who want to turn America into a socialist wasteland.
Author: Bo Dogan