Things are only getting worse in Europe. This week, Russia sent troops into “separatist” regions of Ukraine, bolstering forces that want to overthrow the government. Last night, Putin actually crossed the line and launched a full-scale invasion. Such a drastic move hasn’t been seen in Europe in generations. And many fear other countries are in danger.
Much of this chaos is the fault of Joe Biden. His weakness and incompetence has emboldened a dictator like Putin. Biden’s pathetic press conference last month all but ensured Putin would invade. Not that it wasn’t already guaranteed, given Biden’s handling of Afghanistan. Now, the American people are weighing in. And they are none too pleased.
President Joe Biden’s approval rating on the Russia/Ukraine conflict is underwater, a Wednesday Politico/MorningConsult poll revealed.
Just 40 percent of voters approved of Biden’s management of the conflict, while 45 disapproved, including 35 percent who said they strongly disapproved.
Overall, the poll handed Biden a negative approval rating (44 – 53 percent).
A majority (58 – 28 percent) of respondents also indicated they would find Biden responsible if the Russian/Ukrainian conflict increases American gas prices. [Source: Breitbart]
Is Biden actually trying to be the last American president? Every decision he makes has ended up making us weaker and our enemies stronger. Even “sanctions” against Russia will hurt Americans more than them. These sanctions will limit our supply of gas even further, raising prices more. But they will do nothing to stop Russia from invading Ukraine.
It’s almost as if Biden is working with Putin to create catastrophe, while making it look like he’s trying to stop him.
He couldn’t have done a worse job, if that was really the case.
Biden’s failed socialist policies have wrecked the U.S. economy. Gas prices are out of control, when just two years ago they were at record lows. Now, Biden is making sure hard-working Americans will be paying more at the pump. Meanwhile, Putin laughs as he topples a sovereign nation.
It’s not as if Americans want Biden to send troops into Ukraine. But for crying out loud, do something that’s going to work! All that talk from Biden and Harris last week—and this is the result? Russia sending troops into Ukraine. A large-scale invasion planned?
Perhaps now would be a good time for Congress to step in and end this madman’s regime? But Democrats are too blinded by their lust for power to stop Joe for destroying the country… and perhaps the world.
Author: Mac Davis
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