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VA Governor Proposing Bill to Protect Justices–as Dems Abandon Them

VA Governor Proposing Bill to Protect Justices–as Dems Abandon Them

The country was rocked recently when an armed man was arrested outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The man had turned himself in, admitting he had made threats against the justice and his family.

As horrible as this was, it was the obvious result of the left’s campaign against the court. Ever since the Roe leak, Democrats have been urging unstable abortion activists to target the court. Congress has been scrambling to pass something to provide justices with more protection, but its unclear if it will pass.

But the Governor of Virginia is doing what Congress fails to do.

More than a week after authorities apprehended a man near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home claiming he wanted to kill the justice, Virginia Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin has introduced a budget amendment that would make it a felony to protest outside of a judge or justice’s home with the intent of influencing or intimidating that justice.

Amendment 35 on felonious picketing and demonstrations “creates a Class 6 felony for picketing or demonstrating in or near a court or residence with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing or intimidating in the discharge of his or her duty any judge, juror, witness, court officer, or court employee, or any immediate family member of such individuals.” [Source: Daily Wire]

Federal law already prohibits protesting a court or judge, with the intent to intimidate them into changing their rulings. But it’s pretty obvious, given whose in charge of the DOJ, that the federal government is in no way about to enforce that law.

(If liberal justices were being targeted, you better believe Biden would be arresting protesters.)

So, it falls to the state of Virginia to do something about this. Being close to Washington, D.C., some of the justices live in the state (Kavanaugh lives in Maryland). This law will give local and state police the authority to arrest protesters who pose a threat to justices and their communities.

It’s pretty pathetic that a governor has to scramble to make this amendment a reality. Why can’t our federal government actually protect our justices? Congress is trying to provide for them the same level of security they enjoy. But they don’t have to do that (at taxpayers’ expense) if Biden just upheld existing laws.

Arrest protesters who are trying to bully and threaten judges. The First Amendment does not grant people the right to inflict harm. And threats against a judge are just as illegal as threats against anyone else.

Yet Democrats are turning a blind eye to all of this—because they want protestors to intimidate the court. They leaked the Roe draft, hoping to stir up these unstable and dangerous people. All so they could violate the sacred duty of the Supreme Court.

And for what? So that Democrats can continue to profit from abortion.

Author: Kit Fargo

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