All the noise surrounding the 2022 midterms—and the recent FBI raid of Mar-a-Largo—seems to center around Joe Biden’s re-election bid. Some say how the midterms flush out will either help or hurt Joe. Others assume the raid on Trump’s home was supposed to help Joe Biden in some way.
But the liberal media and all their worthless talking heads are forgetting one thing: Joe Biden doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning 2024.
The man is suffering the worst approval numbers in our nation’s history. Chances are, they are going to get worse in the coming years as the left’s “inflation” bill hurts the economy even more. And that’s not even getting into the fact that Biden’s mental health is in the gutter. He might not even have the ability to speak by 2024.
Even a top Democrat admitted, “off the record,” that he’s not running.
Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, said in an interview published over the weekend that President Joe Biden is not going to run for a second term in office…
When asked, “Should President Biden run again,” Maloney responded, “Off the record, he’s not running again.”
The Times immediately responded, “Not off the record. On the record.”
“On the record?” Maloney responded. “No, he should not run again.”
Bloomberg News reported this week that Biden was planning to launch his re-election bid following the upcoming midterm elections even though surveys have found that even an overwhelming majority of Democrats — 75% — do not want him to run again. [Source: Daily Wire]
So, while speaking “off the record” (something that is not real, when you’re talking to reporters), Rep. Maloney said Biden is not running again. But when she had to speak “on the record,” she confessed that he “should not run again.”
Which means, that the Democratic Party has no intentions of supporting Biden if he seeks a second term.
Read between the lines. Biden was never really in charge. He is simply a useful puppet for a radicalized DNC that is pushing as much socialism as they can. Biden just does what they tell him to do. And now, given his terrible approval numbers and decreasing mental ability, the party has decided—before the midterm elections—that they are done with him.
They can’t “officially” say that, because it will hurt their already dwindling chances in the upcoming elections. If a president openly states he will not run for re-election, it takes the wind out of the party’s sails. Why vote for a party whose president won’t even fight for two terms?
But the writing’s on the wall. You have to be an idiot or very dishonest to assume Biden has a chance at winning another election (he didn’t even win the first one). It doesn’t matter if it’s Trump or another GOP candidate. Biden’s cancer to his party. Maloney can talk so openly because it’s not a secret anymore.
When 75% of Democrats don’t want Biden back, you don’t have to pretend.
Author: Max Davis