We know Joe Biden is bad for America. You have to be willfully ignorant or a liar to believe he’s done anything to help this country thrive.
Worse still, is his reputation around the world. Democrats were foaming at the mouth in 2020, claiming we needed to get rid of Trump to “restore” the world’s respect for us. So, how’s that been going?
Not great. Not only is Biden responsible for conflict around the world, but now one major British newspaper is tearing him to shreds.
The Telegraph, close to Britain’s governing Conservative (Tory) party and the country’s best-selling broadsheet, published an article by Associate Editor Camilla Tominey suggesting that “Biden’s qualities for the Oval Office are almost non-existent.” […]
“From losing his train of thought mid-sentence to forgetting one of his own congresswomen had died in a car crash, the 79-year-old has hardly proved to be the answer to America’s crisis of confidence,” she suggested.
Tominey seemed unwilling to blame all of the American leader’s issues on his age, however, suggesting that his actions in office showed he had “a rather nasty side”, citing his denouncement of MAGA Republicans as “semi-fascists” and his snub to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) with the words “I’m Irish” shortly after the 2020 vote.
“These aren’t the sentiments of a ‘progressive’ politician but the rantings of an intolerant, stuck-in-his-ways old man who can’t abide anyone who disagrees with him,” Tominey observed. [Source: Breitbart]
Wow. The Telegraph slammed Joe, calling him “useless and nasty.” The popular U.K. paper criticized Biden’s horrible performance in the Oval Office. It said he’s continued to fail the country, citing his frequent mental gaps, forgetting a late congresswoman’s name, and his constant gaffes.
But the paper doesn’t give Biden a pass over his age and failing mental health. No, it believes Biden has always had a “nasty” side. It pointed to Biden’s vicious attack on Republicans as “semi-fascists” and his insulting of Brits.
The paper called him “stuck-in-his-old-ways” and said he can’t “abide” anyone that doesn’t agree with him.
That’s pretty accurate. Biden has long shown naked hostility to reporters who dared to question him. He has refused to work with Republicans since entering office. His idea of “bipartisanism” and “unity” is demanding conservatives do what he says.
And what does he have for two years as president? Nothing but disaster. America continues to suffer from numerous crises, made only worse by our eroding reputation around the world.
Democrats refused to acknowledge how other countries respected us because Donald Trump was president. Anyone who refused to listen to him quickly learned to regret it.
But today, we have an old miserable fool in the White House–who can’t get anything right. A pervert who can’t remember names and dates–and quickly loses his temper.
We don’t have a president, we have a decaying grandpa who should be sent to the home.
Author: Jim Stone