Americans should be very worried about the growing influence of communist China in the United States. The threat is much worse than a spy balloon floating over our country. China is aggressively buying up large portions of the country. They are buying land close to military and government buildings.
Worse still, they are buying American farms, to feed their country, not ours. If we do nothing, we might end up with no farmland left that is actually owned by Americans. China stole all our manufacturing jobs. Now they want to steal the very ground underneath our feet! Gov. Noem of South Dakota pushed to stop this communist scheme. She proposed a bill that would prevent China from buying farms.
But her own party blocked her.
Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s efforts to block China from buying up farmland in her state were thwarted this week when a supermajority of state Senators rejected her proposal…
Essentially, Senate Bill 185 would have granted the South Dakota governor the power to unilaterally veto any purchase reviewed by the panel. The state senate rejected the bill on Tuesday with an 11-23 vote.
“The bill faced opposition from nearly every agriculture industry group in committee testimony. But the proposal’s supporters on the Senate floor said any flaws would be rectified before it becomes law,” reported South Dakota Public Broadcasting (SDPB). [Source: Breitbart]
Unbelievable. Republicans in the South Dakota senate blocked Noem’s efforts to protect the state from communist China. They outvoted her by a supermajority (over two-thirds vote). They claim it was because they feared the bill would give the governor too much power.
But that’s garbage. The senators were swayed by lobbyists within the agriculture industry. You see, big companies that monopolize American farms don’t care if China buys up all our land. These are big corporations that only see one thing: cash money.
They are more than happy to sell out America to the highest bidder. If China “invests” in their companies, their stock goes up. Their executives get more money. They don’t care if family-owned farms are sold out from under them. Or if China ends up controlling American farming, just like they control American manufacturing.
They don’t care if China ships all our crops overseas, leaving us with nothing. These companies only care about increasing their stock portfolio. So, they manipulated these cowardly lawmakers into making sure China can do whatever it wants.
This issue is far from settled. Congress and state leaders need to amp up their confrontations with China. If we do nothing, in a very short amount of time, we will lose. China won’t have to invade the United States–they’ve already bought us out.
Author: Max Davis