You know, I’m beginning to think that we can’t trust Democrats! For years, we’ve seen them say one thing and do another. Most Democrats promise voters the moon, during an election. But when they enter office, they never make good on those promises. Often, they do the exact opposite of what they said.
Why are they never called out for this behavior? Because they use an old tactic: accusing your enemies of the very thing you’re doing.
Biden has long claimed that Republicans want to “cut” funding for retirement benefit programs like Social Security and Medicare. He said this quite a bit during the 2022 midterms, to scare older voters into turning on Republicans. The GOP has long refuted this claim, but which side did the media take?
And now, when nobody’s watching, Biden is about to do what he said Republicans would.
President Joe Biden’s administration announced that it would cut Medicare Advantage, after the president has frequently claimed that Republicans want to slash Medicare and Social Security.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced this week that they would cut Medicare Advantage by 1.12 percent in 2024…
The agency will also phase in controversial changes that determine payments based on the severity of patients’ health problems. [Source: Breitbart]
Joe Biden is moving to cut Medicare Advantage payments, in an attempt to reduce the growing debt ceiling.
How interesting. Biden isn’t trying to cut spending for illegal aliens, welfare, “green” tech bailouts, billions to Ukraine, or funding for radical far-left programs. Instead, he wants to take that money from Medicare, leaving retired Americans in the lurch.
These are Americans who worked all their lives to build this country. Americans who were told that the government would be there for them, when they left the workforce. But now, Biden is betraying these citizens, by cutting funding they need.
The scary thing is, the move will prioritize payments based on severity. That means the government will decide if you are “worthy” of medical support. Government flunkies will be looking at your health issues and deciding if they are severe enough for payments. Not you. Not your doctor. But a cold government agency that is looking for ways to cheat you.
Thanks Joe! You’d think a man as old as he would be looking out for seniors. Guess not.
Author: Jackson Stone