In recent years, American parents have woken up to the what is really going on in public schools. Long gone are the days when schools actually provided quality educate that prepares young Americans for life.
Instead, our public schools are little more than tax-funded indoctrination camps, where leftists seek to brainwash our children. They don’t care about reading, writing, or arithmetic. Instead, they focus on curriculum that slanders our history and pushes woke propaganda.
In one blue state, parents from various religious backgrounds were shocked at what teachers were showing their children. School boards ignored them, so they took it to the courts. But a federal judge was not on parents’ side–and ruled that children could not be protected from this disgusting “curriculum.”
A federal court in Maryland decided Thursday that parents can’t opt their kids out of reading books with LGBTQ+ content in Montgomery County Schools.
In Tamer Mahmoud v. Monica B. McKnight, parents sought to reinstate a MCPS policy that would allow them to opt their children out of reading and discussing books with LGBTQ+ characters in elementary schools. The parents argued the content in these books was a form of indoctrination that violated their families’ religious beliefs.
The court disagreed. Judge Deborah L. Boardman, a Biden appointee, concluded that the parents’ “asserted due process right to direct their children’s upbringing by opting out of a public-school curriculum that conflicts with their religious views is not a fundamental right.”
The judge denied the parents’ request for a preliminary injunction that would allow them to opt-out their kids when school begins on August 28. [Source: Fox News]
What a surprise! I Biden-appointed judge denied parents the ability to opt their children out of being exposed to homosexual and transgender content in Maryland schools. The leftist judge trampled on Americans’ First Amendment rights by saying they were not allowed to opt out of curriculum, even though she admitted it violated their religious views.
Mind you, this wasn’t just an angry leftist attacking Christians’ anti-woke beliefs. Even Muslim parents were petitioning the government so they could take their kids out of classes that pushed gay and lesbianism onto them.
But, we all know the score. When it comes to whose rights are more important, Democrats will always put gays and transgenders ahead of everyone else. Even actual minorities like black people or Muslims get the shaft, when they are in conflict with the gays.
Hey parents! Now is the time to get your kid out of public schools. I don’t care if you live in Maryland or Alabama. All public schools are run by powerful, Marxist teachers’ unions. Even if they don’t have LGBT curriculum, they are still trying to poison your children’s minds. It might be a sacrifice, but homeschooling and other alternatives are better than letting your children get exposed to sexual content, atheism, anti-American views, and more.
If you think this is restricted only to Maryland, you are dreaming.
Author: Kit Fargo