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Governor of Florida Sends Gift to Israel – Blasts Bickering Congressmen

Governor of Florida Sends Gift to Israel – Blasts Bickering Congressmen

The chaos in the House has come at the very worst time. Thanks to Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz, the House of Representatives does not have a Speaker. Over the last two weeks, lawmakers have been fighting over who should replace Kevin McCarthy.

This has prevented the government from passing new bills. All this is going on, as Israel deals with a horrific attack and goes to war with Hamas.

Congress is apparently playing political games as our closest ally in the Middle East fights for its life. At the time of this writing, the House still has not elected a new Speaker–as more lives are being lost. But while lawmakers in D.C. do nothing, Gov. DeSantis sent more planes to Israel.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Tuesday that his administration has sent two large planes full of supplies to Israel as the country wages war against the Palestinian terrorists responsible for murdering 1,400+ Israelis last week.

Just days ago, Gov. DeSantis signed an order to fly three hundred stranded Americans out of Israel. Now, his office has announced it has flown two cargo planes loaded with supplies to help Israel in the aftermath of this attack. [Source: Daily Wire]

According to reports, the planes carried 85 pallets of supplies that are “critically needed” by hospitals in Israel. DeSantis was able to get these supplies packed and sent in less than five days.

The supplies include 735 ace bandages, 5,000 hospital gowns, 84 IV kits, 30,000 needles, 30,000 syringes, 57 ventilators, and 10,000 boxes of surgical gloves. On top of that, Florida provided over 1,000 children’s toys, 300 sleeping bags, 1,000 hygiene products, and over 2,000 articles of clothing.

DeSantis slammed Washington over its inability to provide help during the outbreak of this war. He said, “With the lack of leadership in Washington, we are stepping up to help our allies in Israel who are in need of supplies and our support.”

President Biden has voiced his support for Israel in the midst of this war. However Congress has not passed any new legislation to secure additional support as the country battles Hamas. The Pentagon appears to be mobilizing troops, but it is unclear what kind of support they will provide.

Meanwhile, civilians in Israel continue to struggle in the aftermath of an attack that has cost the lives of over 1,400 civilians, including Americans.

This week, Gov. DeSantis was on the ground in Tampa to greet the approximately 300 Americans he helped fly out of Israel. The governor was deeply critical of the Biden administration’s attempts at flying stranded Americans out of Israel, forcing them to pay for flights that brought them only as far as Athens, Greece.

Author: Kit Fargo

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