When Joe Biden entered office, he was quick to reverse most of Trump’s policies. It seems as if Biden wanted to just do the opposite of what Trump did. You don’t have to look far to see if that approach actually worked out.
Spoiler: it hasn’t!
But even the programs from the Trump era that Biden did keep, he didn’t seem to spend time or attention on.
Case in point, a program launched during the 2020 pandemic to free the United States’ dependence on China for this vital resource. It seems Biden dropped the ball horribly on this one. And Sen. Vance is calling him out over it.
U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance is sounding the alarm on critical shortages and vulnerabilities in the supply chain to the United States for key medical personal protective equipment (PPE) that could allow the Chinese Communist Party to shut down health practice in the United States…
In a Thursday letter to Democrat President Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services Secretary, Xavier Becerra, Vance and other senators pressed the top Biden official on the vulnerabilities caused by Biden Administration screwups to a program that former President Donald Trump started at the beginning of the pandemic to begin making things like medical gloves in America again. [Source: Breitbart]
During COVID, Trump worked hard to free America from a global supply chain that is far too reliant on communist China. With that foreign nation shut down because of the pandemic, America was unable to secure vitally needed supplies like PPE.
Trump wanted to establish a new supply chain that ensured America was making the products. Yet, according to “recent news investigations,” Biden has fumbled to follow through with this program.
Sen. Vance blasted the administration saying “that American medical supply chains are as weak today as they were before the COVID-19 pandemic.” Republican senators called out Biden, fearing what disaster might happen to our hospitals, should another crisis arise.
Vance was brutally critical of Biden, accusing him of forcing America to be “dependent on our adversaries for essential goods.”
According to reports, the Biden administration has screwed up so badly, that America is failing to produce the medical supplies it was supposed to. That is giving communist China an upper hand in the industry. Doctor’s offices and hospitals—unable to buy American-made supplies—are being forced to buy from China.
You don’t have to wonder how this will adversely affect our country, pandemic or not. The question we have to ask is, how did Biden fail so horribly on this issue? He promised to “build back better” after the pandemic.
Yet nothing he’s done has made America stronger. He has focused on sending money to foreign nations and “green” initiatives. But real issues, like the border and medical supplies, have gone completely ignored. If it weren’t for Sen. Vance, we might not even know about this.
Author: Bo Dogan