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Democrats Choose China Over American Citizens

China seems to have got a competitive edge over the U.S. because of the covid lockdowns in America. A fresh report from the National...

House GOP Cuts Oxygen To Nation’s Biggest MAGA Traitor

Republicans have decided during a vote to remove Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) as the House conference chair after her continued attacks against President Trump...

Biden’s Bizarre Comment To Reporters Has Everyone Questioning His Safety

It’s safe to say something is very wrong with Joe Biden. And I just don’t mean the obvious signs of his failing mental and...

Surprising Challenger Rises In Fight For California Governorship

The push to replace California’s very disastrous governor, Gavin Newsom, has a new surprising challenger rising to the top: Tulsi Gabbard. The former Hawaiian leader...

Hundreds Of Military Officers Take a Stand Against Biden

Over 120 retired flag officers have warned Americans in a letter published this week that the nation is under “heavy assault” from socialists, and...

Trump Reveals Who’s Really Behind The Middle-East Crisis

Wow, what a difference an administration makes, huh? Not that long ago, it looked like the Middle East was about to embark on a...

Democrats Push Forward With Nationwide Takeover

Senate Democrats are pushing forward with their complete election reform bill they claim is needed to protect voting rights that are "under siege" by...

Trump Hand Picks Liz Cheney’s Replacement – Guess Who?

Despite everything the left has tried to do, it’s clear Donald Trump isn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, the more Joe Biden proves...

Biden’s Weakness Triggers Another War

Hamas has launched rockets into Jerusalem on Monday while thousands of Israeli citizens celebrated the Jerusalem Day holiday. The organization, which is the unofficial administrator...

China Terrorizes The Globe With Missile Launch Announcement

NASA leader Bill Nelson slammed China over the weekend as the world nervously waited for a free-falling Chinese rocket to hit the Earth. China launched...

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