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Cancel Culture Comes For The Military — But It Won’t End Well

GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz (Fla.) targeted the House Armed Services Committee for going for conservative troops under the guise of a hearing on extremism...

Cuomo Exposed In Yet Another Scandal: This One Tops Them All

Well, they say when it rains, it pours. And it’s pouring down like a monsoon for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The poor guy...

GOP Senators Go For Blood — Literally

GOP lawmakers said illegals must take DNA testing to stop child trafficking from Mexico. The senators, led by Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), suggested a new...

DHS Targets Trump Supporters In a Terrifying New Way

The DHS has said they will be possibly watching the movements of Trump's supporters in their most recent push to upend the Bill of...

Democrats Humiliated After Shooting Narrative Collapses

Since a man shot and killed nine people and a police officer in a Colorado store Monday night, the Left has loudly shouted that...

[WATCH] Kamala Caught On Video Doing The Unforgivable

VP Kamala Harris is getting lots of shame for not saluting the military guards when boarding Air Force Two. There is no exact regulation that...

Biden Starts Sweating as Federal Investigators Move In

One of the first things Joe Biden did when he entered office was suspend the construction of Trump’s border wall. Trump had managed to...

Contested State Tries To Fix Election ‘Mistakes’ – But It’s Too Late

If you’ve been following us since the 2020 Election, you know all about the many problems key states had in counting their votes. There...

Kamala Asked About Border Visit — Her Response Says It All

VP Kamala Harris laughed strangely when asked Monday if she would be visiting the border during the surge in illegals entering the nation. “Not today!”...

Democrats Lose It After Trump Announces His Successor

President Trump on Monday discussed the possible successors who might run as the Republican candidate in 2024. “I’ll make my choice about seeking reelection sometime...

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