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Springsteen Hit With Humiliating Charges

Liberal musician Bruce Springsteen, who was in a politically-charged Jeep commercial that first aired during the Super Bowl, is reportedly facing charges for driving...

Democrats Take Capitol Hill Hysteria Way Too Far

Top impeachment manager Jamie Raskin has given a completely false claim about the Jan. 6 protest in his edited video targeting President Donald Trump....

Newsom Recall Finally Underway

It’s no secret that many California residents are not happy with their governor. Once upon a time, Gavin Newsom enjoyed a remarkably high approval...

Biden Opens Door For China — Right Into American Schools

Perhaps the biggest concern over Joe Biden leading, aside from the fact he’s losing his mind, is his love affair with communist China. During...

Democrats Demand Trump Testifies — Or Else

The Constitutional grounds of the Democrats’ second impeachment trial against Donald Trump are shaky at best. Nowhere in the law of the land does...

Hackers Almost Murder Millions Of Americans

Hackers have broke into the computers of a water treatment facility for about 15,000 people close to Tampa, Florida and tried to add dangerous...

Biden Finally Admits Defeat On Key Issue

Among Democrat's key promises during Biden's campaign was to get a $15-an-hour minimum wage, something that liberals call the "Fight for Fifteen." Within weeks...

SCOTUS Tramples Liberal State’s Attack On Religion

Through the entire sage of the COVID panic, we’ve seen governments do unthinkable things. State leaders have shut down schools, dooming the education (and...

Antifa To ‘Burn Down’ Washington In Coming Days

BLM and Antifa have marched into D.C. and the "protesters" have clashed with police while the crowd shouted threats to "burn down" the city.On...

Biden Breaks Decades-Long Record — But It’s Not What You Think

President Biden admitted on Thursday that he had enacted an EO to greatly increase refugee intake into the US, speaking at the State Department...

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