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Marjorie Greene Hilariously Gets Revenge On The ATF

Outspoken and controversial lawmaker Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is causing a new wave of anger with her recent AR-15 giveaway that is meant to prove...

Biden’s Wage Hike Just Hit a Massive Roadblock

Time and again, Democrats across the country have demanded a hike to the minimum wage. They want to raise the federal minimum from $7.50...

Biden Bombs Syria — Starts Another War

President Biden yesterday directed airstrikes in Syria against buildings belonging to what officials claim are Iranian-backed militia, in their response to rocket attacks against...

Leaked Video Uncovers Elite Plans To Destroy Conservatives

A video has been published by Project Veritas that reveals the CEO of Salesforce detailing how all conservative people will be blocked out of...

Republicans Flip The Mask Mandate Script On Democrats

North Dakota’s GOP-controlled House passed a bill forbidding mandatory face mask rules. “North Dakota...

Obama Reveals Just How Racist He Actually Is

Former President Obama has said that "White resentment" prevented him from achieving financial reparations for Black Americans while he was president. In his second episode...

Love For Biden Plummets After Child Scandal Goes Public

My how the worm turns, huh? Back when we were facing a border crisis during the Trump administration, our government had no choice but...

AOC’s Silence Is Deafening After Biden Opens Child Detention Centers

I guess a Democrat’s convictions change, depending on the weather? Or maybe they aren’t as upset at supposed acts of injustice... when their own...

Senators: The Civil War Is Now Canceled

Senator Rick Scott, R-Fla., this Tuesday said “the GOP Civil War is now cancelled,” in a message to GOP leaders and activists calling for...

McConnell’s Treachery Reaches Staggering New Heights

Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell admits he will vote for Biden’s Attorney General nominee, Merrick Garland, discussing the matter on Tuesday with Politico. Garland’s...

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