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Joe’s Favorite People Arrive In Washington, But He Doesn’t Want Them There

The state of Texas followed through on its promise to bus refugees released by the Border Patrol to communities on the border. The first charter...

Biden White House Announces New Enraging Covid Rules

The Biden White House this Wednesday extended the federal transportation requirements for two weeks, according to the Associated Press. The CDC will continue to enforce...

Ted Cruz Calls D.C. ‘Border Town’ After Abbott Send Illegals

The media might not be talking about it, but the border crisis is still raging. Over 2 million illegals crossed the border last year....

Russia Admits The Real Reason It Invaded Ukraine

Russia says that their military operation in Ukraine is overturning the NATO status quo, in which the United States dominates on the global stage.  The...

Biden Makes A Stupid Mistake, Sending Gas Prices Much Higher

Gas prices have skyrocketed during Joe Biden's administration, which has become typical throughout most Democratic administrations in recent history. The national average for gasoline...

Biden Pulls Bait and Switch in Promise to ‘Fix’ Gas Prices

Over the last few months, the Biden administration has blamed Vladimir Putin for high gas prices at your local station. That would make sense,...

Hillary Clinton Breaks Her Own “Treason Rule”

There's something extremely sad about an American politician who isn't particularly relevant to the American public, but won't let go.  Rather than resting on her...

Mainstream Media Horrifies White Americans With This Biden Comment

You can't help but love it when they eat their own, even unintentionally. MSNBC's Tiffany Cross recently accused President Joe Biden and his team...

New Twist: Elon Rejects Twitter Board, Could Take Over Company

The sage between Elon Musk and Twitter gets more and more interesting with each day. The innovator has been publicly critic of the social...

New Shortages Cause Anger And Panic Among American Parents

There is a nationwide scarcity of baby formula, which has forced one of the country's major retailers to start rationing this vital commodity for...

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