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White House Scrambling as ‘Significantly High’ Number of Democrats Think This About Joe

Democrats are very worried about the midterm elections. That is why they’ve spent so much time this year (and even this week) attacking Donald...

Texas Leaders Call For Action Against The FBI

The FBI's raid of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago mansion on August 8, 2022, was a wake-up call to the Republicans in the United States. The...

Revealed: What The FBI “Found” In Donald’s Safe

According to Trump's son Eric, who spoke with Fox News Channel's Brian Kilmeade, the FBI agents that invaded President Trump's Mar-A-Lago mansion broke into...

FBI Raid on Trump Home Exposes FBI’s Bias–Treated Clinton Better While Under Investigation

You’re going to hear all sorts of conflicting narratives about the egregious and unprecedented raid on Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago. What we know...

Tucker Carlson Wins Over A Far-Leftist, Here’s How

During an interview with Vanity Fair which was published Sunday, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow had praised the Fox News host Tucker Carlson. In the new interview,...

White House Tries To Make Biden Cool, Hilariously Fails

In a stunning display of incompetence, White House officials and other Democrats are attempting to revive their failing administration by propagating the "Dark Brandon" meme about...

Democrats Make The Worst Possible Financial Decision

During decades-high inflation, $3.5 trillion will be spent by Joe Biden and congressional Democrats, with conservative assistance. “Biden will go down in history as one...

Deep State Makes Unconstitutional Moves Against DeSantis

In an interview, the suspended prosecutor who was ousted from his position this week by Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis claimed that the governor's...

Narrative Fail: New Polls Reveals What Americans Think of Dems’ ‘Inflation’ Bill

Senate Democrats passed a new bill that will increase government spending and ramp up taxes. The “Inflation Reduction Act” throws billions at “green” initiatives,...

Elites Horrified By New Trend Of “Tracking”

Celebrities, billionaires, and climate campaigners are the subject of glory and fortune; they work tirelessly to maintain control over their public image and reputation....

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