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Biden Flies Illegals Into Red States, Republicans Demand Answers

The non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are being paid by the American taxpayer to fly border crossers and illegal immigrants into the country must be...

Pelosi Reverses Her Politics, Hopes Nobody Sees This Video

Despite claiming last year that President Joe Biden lacked the right to do so, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi praised President Biden's plan...

New “Hate Liberals” Poll Has Democrats In Shock

Over 8.6 million American voters participated in research over the course of the previous five years, which was just released by the research company...

A New Kind Of Economic Crash Could Be Emerging

The assault on American energy waged by President Joe Biden and his administration caused the national average price of a gallon of diesel and...

Biden’s FBI Raid Hilariously Backfires (In A Courtroom Of All Places)

Former President Donald Trump's lawsuit against the government over papers and other items taken in an FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago is being handled by...

Joe Manchin Least Popular Politician, After Turning on Voters

For a while there, it looked like Americans had an ally in Democrat Joe Manchin. The West Virginian senator stood up to his increasingly...

Economists Now Predicting All Out Economic Collapse

According to the majority of experts surveyed, the U.S. will experience a recession by the middle of next year. According to a survey conducted by...

Biden’s War Against The Navy Seals Is Not Going Well

By claiming that Navy SEAL pals told him they spent more of their time on diversity training than on how to shoot, Donald Trump...

Far-Left Group Celebrates After Fauci Announces His Retirement

The good news came out recently, that disgraced federal employee Anthony Fauci will be leaving his job at the end of the year. Fauci...

FBI Works Overtime To Censor This “False Flag” Story

Due to the fact that it was their own kidnapping scheme, the FBI has made a huge mess of it.  There could even be a...

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